
Southern Pimps
Date Leader Player Action Reason
13.11.2022 15:08 b[o]gdi[2] Got rank 5 Multumesc pentru ajutor
11.11.2022 22:12 rpg2_rusu Joined the faction None
10.11.2022 23:55 Tele Joined the faction None
10.11.2022 23:37 rpg2_Cesarro Joined the faction None
09.11.2022 22:56 LoveLess. Joined the faction None
09.11.2022 22:36 KeNzFTW.NURATEZ Joined the faction None
09.11.2022 22:06 rpg2_Tranquila.TopG Joined the faction None
08.11.2022 21:40 k4p5e Received a FW clear Are timpul minim
08.11.2022 21:37 rpg2_adr1DERBOSS Got rank 6 Felicitari, noul sublider!
08.11.2022 21:09 HoruS. Was kicked out (3 warns) Acumulare 2x AV.
08.11.2022 19:14 rpg2_KARA.DINOCO Joined the faction None
08.11.2022 16:38 iulianpetrut_ Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
07.11.2022 22:16 HoruS. Got rank 6 Felicitari, nou sublider!
07.11.2022 18:00 Kennyo Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
07.11.2022 14:55 Kennyo Got rank 4 Felicitari!