
Southern Pimps
Date Leader Player Action Reason
11.12.2022 13:15 KeNzFTW.NURATEZ Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
10.12.2022 16:32 rpg2_rusu Got rank 2 Felicitari!
10.12.2022 00:03 Cosmin Received a FW clear Are timpul minim
09.12.2022 23:06 .sebi Joined the faction None
08.12.2022 18:14 N/A AQIRYS Was kicked out (with FP) Inactive and Banned
06.12.2022 16:02 MTxUKT Received FactionWarn Limbaj vulgar pe /f
05.12.2022 19:53 NEEK Got rank 6 Noul ajutor!
05.12.2022 19:53 NEEK Joined the faction None
05.12.2022 19:50 DeiuHr. Got rank 2 Multumesc pentru ajutor
05.12.2022 18:54 DragosOWN. Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
05.12.2022 14:41 KeNzFTW.NURATEZ Received FactionWarn Absent wars 3/3 2.12
04.12.2022 12:16 Flor1nRPG2 Failed the test None
03.12.2022 21:02 Only.EGiPTEANU Joined the faction None
03.12.2022 18:00 Andblue Joined the faction None
03.12.2022 15:01 Cr1steaLEGEND Joined the faction None