
Southern Pimps
Date Leader Player Action Reason
26.06.2022 11:04 NorbyINF Received a FW clear Are timpul necesar
25.06.2022 23:44 gRytosV7 Got rank 6 Felicitari, noul sublider!
25.06.2022 23:43 gRytosV7 Joined the faction None
25.06.2022 23:05 AlexUKT Got rank 6 Felicitari, noua mana dreapta!
25.06.2022 21:01 rpg2_Koala. Joined the faction None
25.06.2022 11:58 102.KiaStyle Got rank 2 Renuntare, mersi de ajutor!
25.06.2022 00:24 rpg2_.Ianis Failed the test None
24.06.2022 22:28 BatleRap1 Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
24.06.2022 22:21 BatleRap1 Received FactionWarn Absent wars (2/2) 24.06
24.06.2022 22:11 EVO Joined the faction None
24.06.2022 19:02 rpg2_GrektTaLENTXNXX Joined the faction None
24.06.2022 17:49 N/A CrimZAdv Was kicked out (with FP) Inactive and Banned
24.06.2022 13:39 Bono. Joined the faction None
23.06.2022 23:30 AlexUKT Got rank 3 Felicitari, GoGo.strongCODAT!
23.06.2022 23:19 AQIRYSIUUU Joined the faction None