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Southern Pimps
Date | Leader | Player | Action | Reason |
13.07.2022 18:00 | Reho | Joined the faction | None | |
13.07.2022 17:51 | EdWardSUPERBET | Received FactionWarn | Evidenta war 13.07.2022. | |
13.07.2022 02:06 | rpg2_AndreiiJAKEREE | Got rank 3 | Felicitari, meriti. | |
12.07.2022 17:52 | Alissyo | Failed the test | None | |
12.07.2022 17:20 | rpg2_PawnBALERINA | Joined the faction | None | |
12.07.2022 14:58 | SlimingNoN | Got rank 6 | Noul ajutor. | |
12.07.2022 14:58 | RoGvAiV | Got rank 5 | Multumesc pentru ajutor. | |
12.07.2022 10:31 | N/A | werdiT | Was kicked out (with FP) | Inactive and Banned |
11.07.2022 15:49 | ElectroBoy | Joined the faction | None | |
11.07.2022 15:16 | EVO | Was kicked out (3 warns) | Absent wars 11.07 (2/2) | |
11.07.2022 10:46 | MergasUKT | Received FactionWarn | Neplata amenda in 48h. | |
11.07.2022 10:28 | WARYRDT | Was kicked out (3 warns) | Reclamatie Website. | |
11.07.2022 10:26 | WARYRDT | Received FactionWarn | Reclamatie Website. | |
10.07.2022 18:42 | rpg2_GrektTaLENTXNXX | Left the faction | Demisie / Resignation | |
10.07.2022 10:08 | AligatorU | Left the faction | Demisie / Resignation |