
San Fierro Taxi
Date Leader Player Action Reason
11.08.2023 23:01 Bacalu Failed the test None
11.08.2023 17:06 Raduvius Joined the faction None
10.08.2023 18:17 Darius2k17 Failed the test None
10.08.2023 17:10 .Punker Joined the faction None
10.08.2023 15:44 Crysty. Failed the test None
10.08.2023 15:28 Paul.WAY2GEEKD Failed the test None
10.08.2023 12:13 Hassan Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
09.08.2023 22:10 Adriazy3 Joined the faction None
09.08.2023 22:04 Szoboszlai. Failed the test None
09.08.2023 20:36 Lorelai. Failed the test None
08.08.2023 20:47 Trevor Joined the faction None
08.08.2023 19:09 T0mA Got rank 3 Felicitari!
07.08.2023 00:01 N/A __MaRiAn__ Got rank 3 incomplete Activity Report
07.08.2023 00:01 N/A Robiq Got rank 2 incomplete Activity Report
07.08.2023 00:01 N/A IO[N]U[T] Was kicked out (with FP) incomplete Activity Report