
San Fierro Taxi
Date Leader Player Action Reason
04.09.2023 08:15 DanieI Got rank 2 Felicitari!
04.09.2023 08:12 .Zeek. Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
04.09.2023 00:02 N/A .Zeek. Got rank 2 incomplete Activity Report
04.09.2023 00:02 N/A Raduvius Was kicked out (with FP) incomplete Activity Report
03.09.2023 17:54 .Kyle Got rank 2 Felicitari!
03.09.2023 16:14 BobiAsasinezTurfu Failed the test None
02.09.2023 22:08 .Zeek. Got rank 3 Felicitari!
02.09.2023 22:07 AnDYY.RATUSCA Got rank 3 Felicitari!
02.09.2023 22:07 StefanLeGeNdA(DFG) Got rank 3 Felicitari!
01.09.2023 14:42 danezuuu Failed the test None
01.09.2023 04:11 .xXDeYuXx Received FactionWarn Activitate slaba in August
31.08.2023 23:17 Waldo Got rank 2 Felicitari!
31.08.2023 23:17 George[] Got rank 2 Felicitari!
31.08.2023 15:14 DENNIS47[] Failed the test None
30.08.2023 23:00 D[e]N. Joined the faction None