
San Fierro Police Department
Date Leader Player Action Reason
09.04.2023 08:16 mitr0 Got rank 3 Felicitari!
08.04.2023 20:25 Horia Joined the faction None
08.04.2023 20:12 xNextGenerationx Failed the test None
08.04.2023 12:30 Spartacus. Failed the test None
07.04.2023 11:17 k1d0r12 Was kicked out (3 warns) reclamatia nr. 99467
06.04.2023 19:00 TheMax Received FactionWarn reclamatia nr. 99456
06.04.2023 11:39 Blow4StunT Received FactionWarn reclamatia nr. 99458
06.04.2023 10:01 ..Dave.. Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
04.04.2023 21:14 Dragon Received FactionWarn Nerespectare regulament
04.04.2023 09:43 RI$KY Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
04.04.2023 07:39 Zain_TALIBAN Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
03.04.2023 21:05 Freza019 Joined the faction None
03.04.2023 20:57 Columb.ArabMoney Joined the faction None
03.04.2023 20:41 k1d0r12 Received FactionWarn absenta nemotivata antrenament
03.04.2023 20:40 caydn Received FactionWarn absent from training