
San Fierro Police Department
Date Leader Player Action Reason
17.06.2013 16:30 N/A keeNan_whiTee Got rank 3 None
17.06.2013 16:29 N/A DonGambetta Got rank 2 None
17.06.2013 16:29 N/A Cheloo89 Got rank 2 None
17.06.2013 16:27 N/A DieseL Got rank 2 None
16.06.2013 22:20 N/A Razvan14 Got rank 6 None
16.06.2013 22:20 N/A Razvan14 Got rank 1 None
16.06.2013 17:03 N/A Alex_Kush Received FactionWarn None
16.06.2013 15:46 N/A FalleN. Received FactionWarn None
16.06.2013 15:46 N/A MrRadu Received FactionWarn None
16.06.2013 15:43 N/A Socker. Received FactionWarn None
16.06.2013 10:49 N/A CrEE. Left the faction None
16.06.2013 10:49 N/A The_Jester Left the faction None
15.06.2013 12:38 N/A rpg2_iGorr Received FactionWarn None
15.06.2013 12:38 N/A rpg2_nedstar Received FactionWarn None
14.06.2013 20:09 N/A BogdanJr21 Joined the faction None