
SF School Instructors
Date Leader Player Action Reason
20.07.2023 18:58 Walterinho Joined the faction None
20.07.2023 17:06 Adetto. Joined the faction None
20.07.2023 16:52 RPG2_Sp3aker. Failed the test None
20.07.2023 15:51 Francesco.9 Failed the test None
20.07.2023 12:32 [AllSt4R] Joined the faction None
18.07.2023 22:28 XenoOon Joined the faction None
18.07.2023 19:37 M4F1A_X4hR41z Joined the faction None
18.07.2023 17:36 2xvibes1 Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
18.07.2023 15:38 Abdalkreem_khdour Got rank 5 Congratulations Mr. Manager
18.07.2023 15:38 2xvibes1 Got rank 3 Congratulations Senior!
18.07.2023 15:38 Felix_YTB Got rank 3 Congratulations Senior!
17.07.2023 16:51 [TFG]Darius17 Was kicked out (3 warns) RPG Complaint
17.07.2023 16:51 [TFG]Darius17 Received FactionWarn RPG Complaint
17.07.2023 16:51 [TFG]Darius17 Received FactionWarn RPG Complaint
17.07.2023 00:00 N/A mk4 Was kicked out (with FP) incomplete Activity Report