
Red Dragon Triad
Date Leader Player Action Reason
05.04.2023 19:52 EucalyptuS Failed the test None
05.04.2023 16:33 GoLd.eXe Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
05.04.2023 16:25 j2zeni Joined the faction None
04.04.2023 20:24 Ray.DauMODA Got rank 6 Felicitari, noul ajutor!
04.04.2023 18:56 Paulino Got rank 3 Felicitari!
03.04.2023 19:11 Front.Tsunami Joined the faction None
02.04.2023 16:18 BRAINIAC.RXF Joined the faction None
02.04.2023 15:56 Paracetamol.PN Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
02.04.2023 13:41 rpg2_SamuS Got rank 2 Felicitari!
01.04.2023 22:15 AlbertoTND47 Joined the faction None
01.04.2023 20:02 Diavolo. Got rank 6 Felicitari! Noul Sublider.
01.04.2023 16:03 [AIM]Andra. Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
01.04.2023 15:57 Star. Joined the faction None
01.04.2023 11:19 Paracetamol.PN Got rank 2 Felicitari!
31.03.2023 21:11 Diavolo. Received FactionWarn Absent wars 31:03:2023