
Red Dragon Triad
Date Leader Player Action Reason
25.05.2023 14:33 DonCaff3 Resigned from leader None
25.05.2023 12:05 NoObitaUK Joined the faction None
25.05.2023 11:58 TaTaFLO Received FactionWarn Absent wars 24:05:2023
25.05.2023 11:28 Machiko.SPANIOLU Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
24.05.2023 13:21 rpg2_SamuS Got rank 4 Felicitari, SamuS!
23.05.2023 22:08 AdesanyaKING Joined the faction None
23.05.2023 21:54 enrymeister Joined the faction None
23.05.2023 20:56 Legion Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
23.05.2023 20:11 BauBau.Magnum Joined the faction None
23.05.2023 19:55 Babushka Joined the faction None
23.05.2023 18:57 Madalinus Got rank 2 Felicitari!
22.05.2023 21:57 Dragos Was kicked out (with FP) Demisie / Resignation
22.05.2023 19:57 KingDumitru Joined the faction None
21.05.2023 21:12 Abudhabi Joined the faction None
21.05.2023 19:36 Machiko.SPANIOLU Got rank 2 Felicitari!