
Red Dragon Triad
Date Leader Player Action Reason
31.05.2023 21:59 BENZEMAAA Got rank 2 Felicitari!
31.05.2023 21:17 OGR.Magnum Received FactionWarn Neascultare lider.
31.05.2023 19:33 rpg2_[TN]SilentWraitH Joined the faction None
31.05.2023 18:39 Smash. Joined the faction None
31.05.2023 15:08 KingDumitru Received FactionWarn Acumulare x2 AV
30.05.2023 21:04 Wally Was kicked out (with FP) Demisie / Resignation
30.05.2023 12:11 Remixed Joined the faction None
30.05.2023 12:03 enrymeister Was kicked out (with FP) Demisie / Resignation
29.05.2023 23:09 AdesanyaKING Received FactionWarn Evidenta war 29.05.2023
29.05.2023 22:13 Device Joined the faction None
29.05.2023 21:42 Cardoso Joined the faction None
29.05.2023 21:37 enrymeister Received FactionWarn Evidenta war 29.05.2023
29.05.2023 21:37 MadalliNN Joined the faction None
29.05.2023 21:36 rpg2_Azerbaijan Received FactionWarn Evidenta war 29.05.2023
29.05.2023 12:08 Wally Joined the faction None