
Red Dragon Triad
Date Leader Player Action Reason
04.07.2023 00:31 Vladut. Left the faction Fusion Resignation
04.07.2023 00:28 Saw.FENOMEN Failed the test None
03.07.2023 23:46 .iBogdanMagnum Joined the faction None
03.07.2023 23:09 TRUEBOSUSEFUVOSTRU Joined the faction None
03.07.2023 22:30 MihaiOwN Failed the test None
03.07.2023 20:22 FalkeN Failed the test None
03.07.2023 16:16 CarnatiVERSACE Got rank 2 Felicitari!
02.07.2023 14:21 HuskiRAW Joined the faction None
02.07.2023 14:10 Robertt. Joined the faction None
01.07.2023 23:38 Zenthos Left the faction Fusion Resignation
01.07.2023 23:28 Glock Joined the faction None
01.07.2023 23:28 .StandarMagnum Joined the faction None
01.07.2023 21:54 NGuvuINTERVENTIA Left the faction Fusion Resignation
01.07.2023 21:15 H4mes Joined the faction None
01.07.2023 15:28 .RoGvAiVMagnum Joined the faction None