
Red Dragon Triad
Date Leader Player Action Reason
08.07.2023 23:31 [TFG]GeorgeNJ10 Failed the test None
08.07.2023 22:46 .dns. Joined the faction None
08.07.2023 21:15 Hattrick. Failed the test None
08.07.2023 17:43 HuskiRAW Left the faction Fusion Resignation
08.07.2023 17:26 DIRTYNASTY$UICIDE Left the faction Fusion Resignation
08.07.2023 01:06 ZEDLiNE.Magnum Received a FW clear Sanctiune expirata.
08.07.2023 00:03 CapitanuL Got rank 2 Felicitari!
07.07.2023 17:36 .iBogdanMagnum Received FactionWarn Acumulare x2 AV-uri
07.07.2023 15:47 N/A CarnatiVERSACE Received a FW clear Automatic Removal
06.07.2023 21:17 HuskiRAW Received FactionWarn Fast c-bug
06.07.2023 15:33 OlicGODLIKE Joined the faction None
06.07.2023 15:26 DIRTYNASTY$UICIDE Joined the faction None
05.07.2023 23:28 HuskiRAW Received FactionWarn Fast C-Bug la war
05.07.2023 14:11 KyTz Got rank 2 Felicitari!
04.07.2023 21:19 RaWuL.REUSIT Failed the test None