
Red Dragon Triad
Date Leader Player Action Reason
14.04.2010 16:45 N/A XES Was kicked out (3 warns) None
14.04.2010 16:45 N/A XES Received FactionWarn None
14.04.2010 16:45 N/A XES Received FactionWarn None
14.04.2010 15:33 N/A Andra Joined the faction None
13.04.2010 22:05 N/A XES Received FactionWarn None
13.04.2010 20:45 N/A Andra Left the faction None
12.04.2010 21:22 N/A Omerta Left the faction None
12.04.2010 20:27 N/A HawkinS Left the faction None
12.04.2010 20:13 N/A Desync Got rank 5 None
12.04.2010 20:13 N/A Slevin. Got rank 5 None
11.04.2010 21:51 N/A Galaxiu Left the faction None
11.04.2010 13:32 N/A Mr.Africanu Joined the faction None
10.04.2010 23:04 N/A Desync Got rank 4 None
10.04.2010 23:04 N/A Desync Got rank 6 None
10.04.2010 23:04 N/A Desync Got rank 4 None