
Red Dragon Triad
Date Leader Player Action Reason
29.08.2023 00:00 TaTaFLO Failed the test None
28.08.2023 23:34 smoek Failed the test None
28.08.2023 23:22 Lvns Joined the faction None
28.08.2023 22:19 BauBau.Magnum Received FactionWarn Evidenta wars
28.08.2023 22:18 BauBau.Magnum Received a FW clear Sanctiune expirata
28.08.2023 21:50 .RoGvAiVMagnum Joined the faction None
28.08.2023 21:43 .SyT. Joined the faction None
28.08.2023 21:07 RaulCristian. Joined the faction None
28.08.2023 15:53 Vekaze Got rank 2 Felicitări!
28.08.2023 15:44 _kyssu_ Joined the faction None
28.08.2023 14:27 .Gabi. Was kicked out (with FP) Banat
28.08.2023 14:27 SIUUUUUUUU.GIOVANI Got rank 2 Felicitari!
26.08.2023 20:26 [1947].Raul Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
26.08.2023 00:51 Gipsy Failed the test None
25.08.2023 14:35 xMi[R]ci Failed the test None