
Red Dragon Triad
Date Leader Player Action Reason
05.09.2023 22:12 N/A DiceKIA Got rank 2 Automatic Promotion
05.09.2023 21:58 EdwardVELOCE Was kicked out (3 warns) Fast C-Bug la war
05.09.2023 21:55 .SyT. Received FactionWarn Fast C-Bug la war
05.09.2023 00:17 rpg2_Voody Joined the faction None
05.09.2023 00:11 opium_K1NGV4MP Failed the test None
04.09.2023 22:42 .cReative Failed the test None
04.09.2023 19:43 Envy Joined the faction None
04.09.2023 19:43 sTxAndrei Joined the faction None
04.09.2023 15:19 c47 Joined the faction None
04.09.2023 14:49 DonRider. Joined the faction None
04.09.2023 14:15 .RoGvAiVMagnum Was kicked out (with FP) Banat
03.09.2023 23:28 BigBossStanq Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
03.09.2023 23:27 M4dal1n. Was kicked out (with FP) Banat - Cheats (Aimbot)
03.09.2023 20:42 ELCHEDIX Was kicked out (with FP) Interdictie wars pe M4dal1n.
02.09.2023 15:33 RYANGRAVENBERCH Joined the faction None