
Red Dragon Triad
Date Leader Player Action Reason
29.09.2023 16:15 ViTo Received FactionWarn aplicatie copiata
29.09.2023 16:15 ViTo Received FactionWarn aplicatie copiata
29.09.2023 14:29 CristiSenzatye Received FactionWarn 10 codati intr-o luna
28.09.2023 16:08 .J0KeR. Joined the faction None
27.09.2023 23:52 KenKar$on Got rank 2 Felicitari!
27.09.2023 23:52 BauBau.Magnum Was kicked out (3 warns) Neplata amenda.
25.09.2023 22:56 soyeonenjoyer Got rank 2 Felicitari!
25.09.2023 22:54 BauBau.Magnum Received FactionWarn Acumulare 2x AV
25.09.2023 20:00 Krax.iubescfemeia Got rank 2 Felicitari!
25.09.2023 19:37 opium_K1NGV4MP Joined the faction None
25.09.2023 00:59 N/A DariusFENOMEN Was kicked out (with FP) Inactive and Banned
24.09.2023 00:07 ViTo Joined the faction None
24.09.2023 00:02 KAPPA_ Joined the faction None
23.09.2023 23:48 tragpenas. Failed the test None
23.09.2023 23:29 PreacuratulWooden Joined the faction None