
Date Leader Player Action Reason
16.12.2023 20:42 N/A ROCO.BELEAUA Received a FW clear Automatic Removal
16.12.2023 08:42 Raffian.Jr Was kicked out (with FP) Banat Cheats
16.12.2023 08:39 GabyOnlyOneXD Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
15.12.2023 19:45 playboistefi Joined the faction None
15.12.2023 08:42 Tiribomba Joined the faction None
15.12.2023 08:42 AliN10BOMBARDIER Joined the faction None
15.12.2023 08:41 SiGMA Joined the faction None
15.12.2023 08:41 RTG Joined the faction None
14.12.2023 22:28 Iosuaa Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
14.12.2023 20:25 RVF Got rank 4 Activ si Devotat, felicitãri!
14.12.2023 15:50 Reedorf Got rank 3 Activ si Devotat, felicitãri!
14.12.2023 15:50 Iosuaa Got rank 3 Activ si Devotat, felicitãri!
14.12.2023 15:50 GabyOnlyOneXD Got rank 3 Activ si Devotat, felicitãri!
14.12.2023 07:41 SPECIALTHXON Received FactionWarn Reclamatia #189106
13.12.2023 23:28 robertkx.FakeTaxi Failed the test None