
Date Leader Player Action Reason
23.01.2010 19:09 N/A HeLL. Left the faction None
23.01.2010 15:16 N/A Csabbyk Joined the faction None
22.01.2010 22:46 N/A Bebell Left the faction None
16.01.2010 02:16 N/A HeLL. Got rank 5 None
16.01.2010 02:16 N/A Bebell Got rank 5 None
16.01.2010 00:37 N/A alkpone93 Joined the faction None
15.01.2010 05:01 N/A crisrkoantihack Left the faction None
14.01.2010 02:32 N/A mad Joined the faction None
10.01.2010 04:37 N/A Fr4nK. Was kicked out (3 warns) None
10.01.2010 04:37 N/A Fr4nK. Received FactionWarn None
10.01.2010 03:04 N/A bmwandrey Joined the faction None
09.01.2010 23:38 N/A trabantu Joined the faction None
09.01.2010 16:55 N/A Stefan... Joined the faction None
09.01.2010 05:28 N/A Fr4nK. Got rank 1 None
08.01.2010 05:20 N/A HeLL. Got rank 3 None