
Date Leader Player Action Reason
04.10.2023 21:36 Mk12 Joined the faction None
04.10.2023 21:11 ravi Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
04.10.2023 20:48 Butanionut2003 Failed the test None
04.10.2023 18:29 Trevor Joined the faction None
01.10.2023 20:16 sijeiul Got rank 3 Activ si Devotat, felicitãri!
01.10.2023 18:49 .HUBLOT. Got rank 3 Activ si Devotat, felicitãri!
01.10.2023 08:35 Moxic Got rank 4 Activ si Devotat, felicitãri!
01.10.2023 08:34 Volmer Got rank 3 Activ si Devotat, felicitãri!
01.10.2023 08:33 Avocat.DHL Got rank 3 Activ si Devotat, felicitãri!
01.10.2023 08:29 Vascony Was kicked out (3 warns) Activitate Slabã Septembrie
01.10.2023 08:29 Vascony Received FactionWarn Activitate Slabã Septembrie
01.10.2023 08:29 Vascony Received FactionWarn Activitate Slabã Septembrie
01.10.2023 08:27 rpg2_Mihnea Received FactionWarn Activitate Slabã Septembrie
01.10.2023 08:26 MNOp.HEALER Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
01.10.2023 08:26 RRauL Left the faction Demisie / Resignation