
Date Leader Player Action Reason
18.10.2023 21:12 CataCB Failed the test None
18.10.2023 20:03 67STK Failed the test None
18.10.2023 19:45 N/A Doryw0w Received a FW clear Automatic Removal
18.10.2023 18:18 [TFG]Biu02DUBITARA Joined the faction None
18.10.2023 17:41 deadlyalin Failed the test None
16.10.2023 00:01 N/A Trevor Was kicked out (with FP) incomplete Activity Report
16.10.2023 00:01 N/A Victor Was kicked out (with FP) incomplete Activity Report
15.10.2023 18:03 Butanionut2003 Joined the faction None
13.10.2023 21:14 Fred.RomanN Failed the test None
13.10.2023 20:45 Eminescu Joined the faction None
13.10.2023 19:25 _KENTU_ Joined the faction None
13.10.2023 09:20 Mikail Got rank 2 Activ si Devotat, felicitari!
12.10.2023 21:11 MoNn_TwisT Received FactionWarn Nerespectare regulament
12.10.2023 08:37 .Zeita Got rank 2 Activa si Devotata, felicitari!
12.10.2023 08:36 .Zeu Got rank 2 Activ si Devotat, felicitari!