
Date Leader Player Action Reason
23.10.2023 00:00 N/A Mk12 Was kicked out (with FP) incomplete Activity Report
23.10.2023 00:00 N/A KaioKeN Was kicked out (with FP) incomplete Activity Report
22.10.2023 15:55 N/A rpg2_Mihnea Received a FW clear Automatic Removal
22.10.2023 15:04 DumpeL Got rank 2 Congratulations! active
22.10.2023 15:03 Doryw0w Got rank 2 Felicitari! activ si serios
22.10.2023 15:03 Mr.V Got rank 2 Felicitari! activ si serios
22.10.2023 15:02 Jack.Beleawa Got rank 3 Felicitari! activ si serios
20.10.2023 22:50 _Mihai_ Got rank 3 Felicitari! Activ si serios
20.10.2023 16:48 Carmen. Joined the faction None
19.10.2023 22:02 Alexutu Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
19.10.2023 21:47 N/A Alexutu Got rank 3 Automatic Promotion
19.10.2023 21:35 G.Sorin Failed the test None
19.10.2023 01:40 N/A SlashX Received a FW clear Automatic Removal
18.10.2023 23:12 MaxiBD Got rank 4 Felicitari ! tine-o tot asa.
18.10.2023 21:26 To[N]inooo_ Failed the test None