
Date Leader Player Action Reason
26.10.2023 21:53 To[N]inooo_ Failed the test None
26.10.2023 19:14 RVF Joined the faction None
26.10.2023 18:59 CataCB Failed the test None
26.10.2023 18:16 Razwan Joined the faction None
26.10.2023 17:46 Star. Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
26.10.2023 13:34 .Zeita Got rank 3 Activa si Devotata, felicitari
26.10.2023 13:34 .Zeu Got rank 3 Activ si Devotat, felicitãri!
26.10.2023 13:31 .HUBLOT. Got rank 4 Activ si Devotat, felicitãri!
26.10.2023 13:27 AlbrightoN Got rank 3 Activ si Devotat, felicitãri!
26.10.2023 07:49 N/A Zalmoxis Got rank 3 Automatic Promotion
25.10.2023 10:06 [TFG]Biu02DUBITARA Received FactionWarn Heal pe pret incorect
24.10.2023 11:35 sijeiul Got rank 4 Activ si Devotat, felicitari!
23.10.2023 16:44 Blawu Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
23.10.2023 13:49 Avocat.DHL Got rank 4 Activ si Devotat, felicitãri!
23.10.2023 00:00 N/A Volmer Got rank 2 incomplete Activity Report