
Date Leader Player Action Reason
08.11.2023 23:16 byseeN Joined the faction None
08.11.2023 18:10 [TFG]Darius17 Failed the test None
07.11.2023 23:15 MoNn_TwisT Was kicked out (3 warns) Incalcare regulament
07.11.2023 08:49 [TFG]Biu02DUBITARA Was kicked out (3 warns) AFK On Duty in Ambulanta
07.11.2023 06:28 MaxiBD Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
06.11.2023 18:32 Raffian.Jr Received FactionWarn Nepreluare comanda
06.11.2023 00:00 N/A Iuliana_ Got rank 4 incomplete Activity Report
06.11.2023 00:00 N/A Doryw0w Was kicked out (with FP) incomplete Activity Report
05.11.2023 20:42 Mr.V Got rank 3 Felicitari bro !
05.11.2023 20:40 DumpeL Got rank 3 Congratulations bro !
04.11.2023 12:09 sshakira.queencard Failed the test None
03.11.2023 19:16 Carmen. Got rank 2 Felicitari ! activa
03.11.2023 17:37 coffeina.queencard Joined the faction None
02.11.2023 19:34 Vladyyyyy Got rank 5 Felicitari ! Activ si serios
02.11.2023 19:14 .Zeu Left the faction Demisie / Resignation