
Date Leader Player Action Reason
12.11.2023 07:33 Avocat.DHL Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
11.11.2023 22:03 RoxoR Joined the faction None
11.11.2023 18:55 Kevin Joined the faction None
11.11.2023 17:49 OvvyR Joined the faction None
11.11.2023 12:13 Kerman Joined the faction None
11.11.2023 08:39 _Mihai_ Got rank 4 Activ si Devotat, felicitãri!
11.11.2023 08:38 Fedo Got rank 2 Activ si Devotat, felicitãri!
10.11.2023 22:33 ShaolinOnLove Joined the faction None
10.11.2023 22:10 To[N]inooo_ Joined the faction None
10.11.2023 06:55 IonPeCal Got rank 2 Activ si Devotat, felicitari!
09.11.2023 21:12 Kletchkovski Joined the faction None
09.11.2023 19:11 Razwan Got rank 2 Activ si Devotat, felicitãri!
09.11.2023 19:10 RVF Got rank 2 Activ si Devotat, felicitãri!
09.11.2023 19:08 N/A DumpeL Was kicked out (with FP) Inactive and Banned
08.11.2023 23:19 GIOVANNII Joined the faction None