
Date Leader Player Action Reason
18.02.2025 14:21 Kelton2 Resigned from leader None
18.02.2025 11:16 Kelton2 Got leader None
22.12.2024 19:24 KingRny Resigned from leader None
22.12.2024 18:20 [eB]YuukiKING Got leader None
22.12.2024 18:19 KingRny Got leader None
12.11.2024 15:12 N/A SelenaGomez Was kicked out (with FP) Inactive + Banned
09.11.2024 13:09 [AIM]Kelton3 Resigned from leader None
09.11.2024 13:09 [AIM]Kelton3 Got leader None
07.10.2024 16:09 [AIM]Kelton3 Resigned from leader None
05.10.2024 10:10 [AIM]Kelton3 Got leader None
20.09.2024 17:07 SelenaGomez Got leader None
30.08.2024 10:11 N/A [AIM]Kelton3 Was kicked out (with FP) Bought Unban
30.08.2024 10:10 [AIM]Kelton3 Joined the faction None
30.08.2024 10:10 N/A [AIM]Kelton3 Was kicked out (with FP) Bought Unban
29.08.2024 16:44 [AIM]Kelton3 Joined the faction None