
Date Leader Player Action Reason
01.01.2021 13:27 Fresh_ Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat.
01.01.2021 13:26 Ryz Joined the faction None
31.12.2020 21:26 enrymeister Joined the faction None
31.12.2020 14:19 ShaDoNy Left the faction None
30.11.2020 21:55 Fresh_ Joined the faction None
30.11.2020 21:54 AUDI_RS8 Left the faction None
30.11.2020 20:59 ShaDoNy Joined the faction None
23.11.2020 02:32 rpg2_Obliviousair Was kicked out (3 warns) Divulgare informatii interne
23.11.2020 02:31 rpg2_Obliviousair Received FactionWarn Divulgare informatii interne
20.11.2020 13:15 rpg2_Obliviousair Received FactionWarn Comportament /lc
01.11.2020 16:24 AUDI_RS8 Joined the faction None
01.11.2020 16:24 Irina Left the faction Mandat incheiat
30.10.2020 20:23 rpg2_Obliviousair Joined the faction None
30.10.2020 20:22 Alexutu Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat!
06.10.2020 22:44 Irina Joined the faction None