
Date Leader Player Action Reason
29.08.2021 23:16 Cosmi_BY Joined the faction None
28.08.2021 02:04 BaTman Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
24.08.2021 13:17 Cloudiex Received FactionWarn Demisie / Resignation
24.08.2021 13:17 Cloudiex Received FactionWarn Demisie / Resignation
24.08.2021 13:17 Cloudiex Was kicked out (3 warns) Demisie / Resignation
01.08.2021 13:43 BaTman Joined the faction None
31.07.2021 19:28 Cloudiex Joined the faction None
31.07.2021 19:26 BogdanMG Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat
24.07.2021 22:48 Rocky_ Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
29.06.2021 17:10 BogdanMG Joined the faction None
25.06.2021 21:29 DarkEvo. Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
01.06.2021 11:37 DarkEvo. Joined the faction None
30.05.2021 22:44 Kweb. Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat
30.04.2021 15:32 DareDevil Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat
30.04.2021 15:32 Kweb. Joined the faction None