
Date Leader Player Action Reason
30.12.2021 19:05 filantropul.LEE. Joined the faction None
29.12.2021 16:53 rpg2_JohnuT Was kicked out (3 warns) Nerevenire din inactivitate
29.12.2021 16:52 rpg2_JohnuT Received FactionWarn Nerevenire din inactivitate
29.12.2021 16:52 rpg2_JohnuT Received FactionWarn Nerevenire din inactivitate
30.11.2021 00:24 rpg2_JohnuT Joined the faction None
29.11.2021 23:59 SoferPeTurf Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat
31.10.2021 01:24 SoferPeTurf Joined the faction None
31.10.2021 01:07 SejwaL Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat
30.10.2021 16:53 T.I.B.I Joined the faction None
30.10.2021 16:53 [Mr]Mohab Left the faction None
30.09.2021 20:12 [Mr]Mohab Joined the faction None
30.09.2021 20:11 Spiridus Left the faction None
30.09.2021 11:39 Cosmi_BY Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat
30.09.2021 11:38 SejwaL Joined the faction None
31.08.2021 13:17 Spiridus Joined the faction None