
Date Leader Player Action Reason
21.06.2022 12:37 Bebino. Received FactionWarn Neimplicare!
01.06.2022 20:41 VISA Joined the faction None
01.06.2022 20:39 T.I.B.I Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat.
30.05.2022 22:53 Bebino. Joined the faction None
27.05.2022 22:58 Androu Was kicked out (3 warns) Banat
27.05.2022 22:58 Androu Received FactionWarn Banat
27.05.2022 22:58 Androu Received FactionWarn Banat
01.04.2022 18:25 T.I.B.I Joined the faction None
01.04.2022 18:14 Ryz Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat
31.03.2022 20:46 Androu Joined the faction None
31.03.2022 19:21 TrifanN Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat!
01.03.2022 18:06 Ryz Joined the faction None
01.03.2022 18:04 T.I.B.I Left the faction sfarsit de mandat
27.02.2022 23:56 TrifanN Joined the faction None
27.02.2022 23:46 filantropul.LEE. Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat!