
Date Leader Player Action Reason
23.04.2013 16:12 N/A rpg2_CipriaN Left the faction None
03.04.2013 19:43 N/A rpg2_CipriaN Joined the faction None
01.04.2013 15:05 N/A rpg2_AnGeL. Left the faction None
31.03.2013 21:45 N/A Blade Joined the faction None
30.03.2013 16:25 N/A XES Left the faction None
04.03.2013 14:38 N/A rpg2_AnGeL. Joined the faction None
02.03.2013 16:31 N/A XES Joined the faction None
01.03.2013 20:38 N/A Lincoln_Burrows Left the faction None
28.02.2013 12:58 N/A Moartea Left the faction None
03.02.2013 20:24 N/A Lincoln_Burrows Joined the faction None
01.02.2013 22:19 N/A rpg2_LuciferBatTTB Left the faction None
31.01.2013 22:25 N/A Moartea Joined the faction None
21.01.2013 19:03 N/A rpg2_LuciferBatTTB Joined the faction None
14.01.2013 21:31 N/A rpg2_Bora Left the faction None
14.01.2013 21:29 N/A rpg2_Drag0s Left the faction None