
Date Leader Player Action Reason
03.04.2014 14:34 N/A Banned Left the faction None
03.04.2014 14:33 N/A Banned Joined the faction None
01.04.2014 17:14 N/A Anaser Joined the faction None
15.03.2014 17:40 N/A BiGGss Left the faction None
03.03.2014 19:23 N/A rpg2_Popusoi Left the faction None
06.02.2014 14:58 N/A AyhaoSND Left the faction None
06.02.2014 13:17 N/A rpg2_Popusoi Joined the faction None
03.01.2014 00:31 N/A rpg2_Wikked Left the faction None
03.01.2014 00:17 N/A AyhaoSND Joined the faction None
02.12.2013 20:30 N/A rpg2_Wikked Got rank 6 None
02.12.2013 20:30 N/A rpg2_Wikked Joined the faction None
02.12.2013 20:30 N/A rpg2_Daniel. Left the faction None
02.12.2013 15:11 N/A rpg2_Cuturuba Left the faction None
02.12.2013 15:11 N/A rpg2_Cuturuba Joined the faction None
01.12.2013 22:10 N/A BiGGss Joined the faction None