
Date Leader Player Action Reason
01.10.2014 12:12 N/A Katzuno Left the faction None
21.09.2014 14:16 N/A rpg2_[AIM]CosmynN Left the faction None
02.09.2014 12:58 N/A rpg2_[AIM]CosmynN Joined the faction None
02.09.2014 12:57 N/A rpg2_NewLife Left the faction None
02.09.2014 12:46 N/A Katzuno Joined the faction None
02.09.2014 12:46 N/A coldzera Left the faction None
31.07.2014 22:10 N/A rpg2_NewLife Joined the faction None
31.07.2014 21:42 N/A coldzera Joined the faction None
31.07.2014 16:00 N/A AndreiTi Left the faction None
02.07.2014 13:44 N/A AndreiTi Joined the faction None
30.06.2014 14:21 N/A M4MS. Left the faction None
01.05.2014 10:20 N/A M4MS. Joined the faction None
23.04.2014 22:21 N/A rpg2_OM3GA Left the faction None
23.04.2014 22:20 N/A rpg2_OM3GA Joined the faction None
07.04.2014 11:21 N/A Anaser Was kicked out (with FP) None