
Date Leader Player Action Reason
01.09.2015 09:19 N/A keNNeDy Joined the faction None
31.08.2015 15:18 N/A AgustD Left the faction mandat incheiat
30.08.2015 19:09 N/A Cristache Left the faction Your spell is done
01.08.2015 19:09 N/A rpg2_StoicaZeW Left the faction None
01.08.2015 19:06 N/A Cristache Joined the faction None
01.08.2015 17:35 N/A AgustD Joined the faction None
08.07.2015 22:17 N/A Alfred. Was kicked out (with FP) None
01.07.2015 19:56 N/A Alfred. Joined the faction None
01.07.2015 17:22 N/A rpg2_StoicaZeW Joined the faction None
01.07.2015 17:22 N/A Banned Left the faction None
21.06.2015 12:48 N/A OldNab Left the faction None
16.06.2015 16:19 N/A OldNab Received FactionWarn None
15.06.2015 15:04 N/A OldNab Received a FW clear None
14.06.2015 10:45 N/A OldNab Received FactionWarn None
31.05.2015 20:23 N/A Banned Joined the faction None