
Date Leader Player Action Reason
30.11.2015 10:53 N/A Cozmyn Received FactionWarn gov aiurea
31.10.2015 22:34 N/A Cozmyn Joined the faction None
31.10.2015 19:45 N/A ZeCo Joined the faction None
31.10.2015 19:40 N/A cowS Left the faction Mandat incheiat
31.10.2015 12:24 N/A PauLdaupentruGhita Joined the faction None
31.10.2015 12:15 N/A Romii Left the faction finalul mandatului
07.10.2015 21:44 N/A rpg2_CatalinXD Was kicked out (with FP) Limbaj Vulgar + Amenintari
02.10.2015 21:10 N/A Romii Joined the faction None
02.10.2015 21:08 N/A Kapsa Left the faction None
02.10.2015 20:00 N/A rpg2_CatalinXD Joined the faction None
01.10.2015 09:51 N/A cowS Joined the faction None
30.09.2015 20:19 N/A keNNeDy Left the faction Mandat incheiat
11.09.2015 09:57 N/A rpg2_StoicaZeW Was kicked out (with FP) insulte admin
01.09.2015 11:59 N/A Kapsa Joined the faction None
01.09.2015 09:57 N/A rpg2_StoicaZeW Joined the faction None