
Date Leader Player Action Reason
30.01.2016 12:48 N/A Axndru Left the faction Finalul mandatului.
30.01.2016 12:10 N/A Ademar Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat!
11.01.2016 18:14 N/A cowS Received FactionWarn Limbaj fata de admin
30.12.2015 19:12 N/A Wizzle Left the faction Incheiere mandat
30.12.2015 19:10 N/A cowS Joined the faction None
30.12.2015 13:48 N/A Ademar Joined the faction None
30.12.2015 12:17 N/A Axndru Joined the faction None
30.12.2015 12:02 N/A rpg3_Innox Left the faction Final Mandat.
29.12.2015 17:30 N/A Mark Left the faction sfarsit mandat
30.11.2015 18:24 N/A Mark Joined the faction None
30.11.2015 17:11 N/A Wizzle Joined the faction None
30.11.2015 12:18 N/A rpg3_Innox Joined the faction None
30.11.2015 11:06 N/A ZeCo Left the faction sfarsit mandat
30.11.2015 11:05 N/A PauLdaupentruGhita Left the faction sfarsit mandat
30.11.2015 10:53 N/A Cozmyn Left the faction sfarsit mandat