
Date Leader Player Action Reason
01.01.2017 18:54 rpg2_ValiFARAON Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat
31.12.2016 17:46 cowS Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat
31.12.2016 17:35 OldNab Joined the faction None
31.12.2016 15:07 SorynN Joined the faction None
31.12.2016 14:06 AsK Joined the faction None
31.12.2016 14:05 Damon Left the faction Final mandat.
28.12.2016 02:42 N/A cowS Received a FW clear Automatic Removal
27.12.2016 13:31 cowS Received FactionWarn language, complaint 60710
01.12.2016 23:43 rpg2_OM3GA Joined the faction None
01.12.2016 23:35 Karawz Left the faction Final mandat
01.12.2016 23:00 rpg2_rpg4_Mosu. Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat
01.12.2016 20:13 Damon Joined the faction None
30.11.2016 20:23 XES Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat
30.11.2016 20:20 rpg2_ValiFARAON Joined the faction None
30.11.2016 20:12 cowS Joined the faction None