
Date Leader Player Action Reason
01.10.2017 13:02 Joue Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat
01.10.2017 11:43 engelhardt.LL Joined the faction None
01.10.2017 10:23 rpg3_Alex Left the faction Sfarsit Mandat
01.10.2017 00:04 PERKE Left the faction None
01.10.2017 00:03 Razvii. Joined the faction None
29.09.2017 23:53 rpg2_SPIKE Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat
05.09.2017 11:03 PERKE Received FactionWarn Event cu tentativa de frauda.
01.09.2017 19:15 rpg3_Alex Joined the faction None
01.09.2017 12:19 PERKE Joined the faction None
01.09.2017 01:21 rpg2_SPIKE Joined the faction None
01.09.2017 01:20 AlinMN Left the faction None
01.09.2017 00:03 SpLiFF[Huligan] Left the faction None
31.08.2017 12:40 Joue Joined the faction None
30.08.2017 10:57 PandaHere Left the faction None
16.08.2017 13:03 rpg3_BotysYouTuberulTau Left the faction demisie