
Date Leader Player Action Reason
01.12.2017 13:48 RobertoKiNG1947 Joined the faction None
01.12.2017 11:27 rpg2_Geopi. Left the faction None
30.11.2017 20:58 rpg2_.Sergiu Joined the faction None
29.11.2017 17:29 robica Left the faction None
24.11.2017 14:46 Hayden Left the faction manager factiuni
31.10.2017 20:53 robica Joined the faction None
31.10.2017 20:45 rpg2_Geopi. Joined the faction None
31.10.2017 20:18 Hayden Joined the faction None
31.10.2017 20:18 engelhardt.LL Left the faction None
31.10.2017 14:32 rpg2_Ivan99 Left the faction None
30.10.2017 21:59 Daryl Got leader None
30.10.2017 21:59 Daryl Left the faction Promovat ca mayor - NOIEMBRIE
17.10.2017 10:03 Razvii. Was kicked out (with FP) inactiv
02.10.2017 21:03 Daryl Joined the faction None
01.10.2017 14:10 rpg2_Ivan99 Joined the faction None