
Date Leader Player Action Reason
03.03.2018 22:55 Refresh Left the faction None
03.03.2018 08:14 Wolf4eveR Left the faction sfarsit de mandat
03.03.2018 00:39 SARKAR Joined the faction None
03.03.2018 00:37 Sabzaky. Left the faction None
02.03.2018 23:00 [TFG]Paul.DauPtAdebayor Joined the faction None
01.03.2018 14:34 TheTommyRPG Joined the faction None
28.02.2018 11:49 rpg2_SPIKE Joined the faction None
26.02.2018 21:44 AllexandroS Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
02.02.2018 11:35 Sabzaky. Joined the faction None
02.02.2018 11:32 Romii Left the faction Final de mandat.
01.02.2018 21:58 Wolf4eveR Joined the faction None
01.02.2018 21:52 [Deea]Shakira Left the faction sfarsit de mandat
01.02.2018 11:59 Opak.CrystalulTau Left the faction final de mandat
01.02.2018 11:37 Refresh Joined the faction None
31.01.2018 18:23 AllexandroS Joined the faction None