
Date Leader Player Action Reason
01.07.2018 13:28 rpg2_.AureL Left the faction None
01.07.2018 13:26 rpg2_EdyTzzu Joined the faction None
30.06.2018 22:17 Alex.FinantzBanK Joined the faction None
30.06.2018 22:16 AzaiN Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat
12.06.2018 22:48 AzaiN Joined the faction None
09.06.2018 11:28 .lamporo Was kicked out (with FP) Interdictie pe RPG1
01.06.2018 15:43 .lamporo Joined the faction None
01.06.2018 13:58 XES Joined the faction None
01.06.2018 13:54 Day Left the faction Incheiere mandat
01.06.2018 11:11 rpg2_.AureL Joined the faction None
01.06.2018 10:56 [AIM]Brane Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat
31.05.2018 20:29 Lavinia. Joined the faction None
31.05.2018 20:28 Alekseyyy Left the faction Final de mandat.
21.05.2018 20:55 AleCs. Left the faction Demisie
02.05.2018 22:52 Alekseyyy Joined the faction None