
Date Leader Player Action Reason
30.11.2018 22:19 Gunnter Joined the faction None
30.11.2018 20:26 rpg2_waviK. Left the faction None
30.11.2018 20:25 Clanin3 Joined the faction None
30.11.2018 12:22 Pasaroi Left the faction None
30.11.2018 11:48 rpg2_Ryd3r[] Joined the faction None
17.11.2018 17:55 Mufasa Was kicked out (3 warns) Abuz de functie
17.11.2018 17:55 Mufasa Received FactionWarn Abuz de functie
17.11.2018 17:55 Mufasa Received FactionWarn Abuz de functie.
01.11.2018 13:10 Catalin47 Joined the faction None
01.11.2018 13:06 Baha_F_B_Z Left the faction Final de mandat
31.10.2018 23:17 RoTaRu.INTERVENTIA Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat.
31.10.2018 23:14 Mufasa Joined the faction None
31.10.2018 21:13 RVD Left the faction None
31.10.2018 20:32 rpg2_MarceL. Left the faction None
31.10.2018 19:54 rpg2_waviK. Joined the faction None