
Date Leader Player Action Reason
01.03.2019 22:28 AdytzaZEW Joined the faction None
01.03.2019 22:19 Manu.DinCraiova Left the faction None
01.03.2019 13:54 Skrallen Joined the faction None
01.03.2019 13:54 Kwabs. Left the faction Final de mandat
28.02.2019 19:32 rpg2_sSuceveanu Joined the faction None
28.02.2019 19:31 Dan.eXe Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat.
26.02.2019 18:46 Wolf4eveR Joined the faction None
25.02.2019 23:24 Ragnar47 Was kicked out (3 warns) Multiple /gov-uri aiurea
25.02.2019 23:24 Ragnar47 Received FactionWarn Multiple /gov-uri aiurea
25.02.2019 22:47 Ragnar47 Received FactionWarn /gov aiurea
31.01.2019 21:41 Dan.eXe Joined the faction None
31.01.2019 19:01 IonutJr.. Left the faction None
31.01.2019 16:05 Day Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat
31.01.2019 16:05 Ragnar47 Joined the faction None
31.01.2019 11:22 Manu.DinCraiova Joined the faction None