
Date Leader Player Action Reason
04.12.2019 22:55 Elena Joined the faction None
04.12.2019 10:40 Sir.Honnan Was kicked out (with FP) Spargere cont
30.11.2019 14:52 SnowManCyclistTeam Joined the faction None
30.11.2019 14:44 Sir.Honnan Joined the faction None
30.11.2019 14:42 Irina Left the faction Incheiere mandat
29.11.2019 21:29 Norbert Left the faction None
30.10.2019 23:05 filantropul.LEE. Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat.
30.10.2019 23:02 Norbert Joined the faction None
11.10.2019 19:04 filantropul.LEE. Joined the faction None
08.10.2019 17:07 Pasaroi Was kicked out (with FP) Demisie / Resignation
30.09.2019 23:31 Irina Joined the faction None
29.09.2019 13:17 Pasaroi Joined the faction None
28.09.2019 21:06 Kidda Left the faction Incheiere mandat.
27.09.2019 13:28 Mari99 Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
05.09.2019 16:16 Mari99 Received FactionWarn Comportament!