
Date Leader Player Action Reason
06.10.2020 11:36 VALERAS Was kicked out (with FP) Demisie
01.10.2020 19:12 VALERAS Joined the faction None
01.10.2020 19:11 Deliric Left the faction Mandat incheiat
30.09.2020 17:25 Alexutu Joined the faction None
30.09.2020 17:24 rpg2_ImRoby Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat!
01.09.2020 12:22 rpg2_ImRoby Joined the faction None
01.09.2020 11:23 Opak.CrystalulTau Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat!
31.08.2020 18:24 PERKE Left the faction Mandat incheiat
31.08.2020 18:23 Deliric Joined the faction None
31.07.2020 22:36 PERKE Joined the faction None
31.07.2020 21:04 Cata. Left the faction Final de mandat
30.07.2020 16:28 Opak.CrystalulTau Joined the faction None
30.07.2020 12:16 GradZEW Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat!
14.07.2020 14:51 Cata. Received a FW clear Sanctiune expirata
30.06.2020 17:45 GradZEW Joined the faction None