
Date Leader Player Action Reason
25.10.2024 11:45 Madalin3 Joined the faction None
13.09.2024 13:40 [AIM]Kelton Left the faction None
13.09.2024 13:40 [AIM]Kelton Joined the faction None
26.08.2024 15:15 [AIM]Kelton3 Resigned from leader None
26.08.2024 15:15 [AIM]Kelton3 Got leader None
26.08.2024 13:01 Kelton2 Joined the faction None
29.11.2023 23:38 21Alexandrion Joined the faction None
29.11.2023 22:33 [AIM]Claude Left the faction Sfarsit mandat
31.10.2023 09:11 [AIM]Claude Joined the faction None
30.10.2023 17:16 [AIM]AdelaV. Left the faction Sfarsit de mandat
30.09.2023 18:44 [AIM]AdelaV. Joined the faction None
23.09.2023 10:49 cowS Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
31.07.2023 23:38 cowS Joined the faction None
31.07.2023 23:25 SelenaGomez Left the faction Sfarshitu mandatului.
03.07.2023 06:55 SelenaGomez Received a FW clear Sanctiune expirata