
Las Venturas Taxi
Date Leader Player Action Reason
13.11.2023 21:40 xMi[R]ci Joined the faction None
13.11.2023 21:40 AlexandruG Joined the faction None
13.11.2023 20:59 SilviuMlr Failed the test None
13.11.2023 02:06 narcis_23 Got rank 3 Felicitari!
13.11.2023 00:00 N/A aLean Was kicked out (with FP) incomplete Activity Report
12.11.2023 21:14 .[Victor]. Failed the test None
12.11.2023 20:48 750Denis Failed the test None
12.11.2023 19:53 PIRATUNEGRU Failed the test None
12.11.2023 19:02 YamilDUBITARU Got rank 2 Felicitari!
12.11.2023 19:02 gianni Got rank 2 Felicitari!
12.11.2023 19:02 Fily Got rank 2 Felicitari
12.11.2023 12:32 Jose_Miguel Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
11.11.2023 20:23 PaulCrazy04 Failed the test None
11.11.2023 00:48 [420]GabiTSA Joined the faction None
10.11.2023 23:14 [eB]Septaruu777 Got rank 5 Felicitari!