
Los Santos Taxi
Date Leader Player Action Reason
04.04.2023 20:40 Giuliano.DLB Got rank 6 Felicitari! Noul Manager
03.04.2023 09:33 xSebix Joined the faction None
03.04.2023 08:18 Typhoon Received a FW clear Comportament adecvat
03.04.2023 01:48 Z1ppo Joined the faction None
03.04.2023 01:48 Cristian29 Failed the test None
03.04.2023 01:44 MaineLuptCuDestiu Failed the test None
03.04.2023 00:01 N/A Atentie.Tractez Got rank 4 incomplete Activity Report
02.04.2023 21:44 VoLKanO. Received FactionWarn Cerere rank-up
01.04.2023 22:46 ItsSabin09 Failed the test None
01.04.2023 22:13 SimoRO2008 Failed the test None
01.04.2023 22:01 [AIM].Lucian Joined the faction None
01.04.2023 21:37 Horia Was kicked out (with FP) Demisie / Resignation
01.04.2023 19:13 END Got rank 2 Felicitari!
01.04.2023 14:47 DisTricTOwn Left the faction Demisie / Resignation
01.04.2023 14:45 GoDFlaG.IJJ Received FactionWarn Activitate slaba (martie 2023)