
Los Santos Taxi
Date Leader Player Action Reason
21.04.2013 21:42 N/A Spaniard Received FactionWarn None
21.04.2013 21:41 N/A Robaianu Was kicked out (3 warns) None
21.04.2013 21:41 N/A Robaianu Received FactionWarn None
21.04.2013 21:39 N/A mitko.DiosPerfecto Was kicked out (with FP) None
21.04.2013 21:39 N/A mitko.DiosPerfecto Received FactionWarn None
21.04.2013 21:37 N/A mitko.DiosPerfecto Received FactionWarn None
21.04.2013 21:12 N/A toma_mihai Received FactionWarn None
20.04.2013 22:06 N/A uuc1mnL Got rank 6 None
20.04.2013 21:15 N/A RounD Left the faction None
20.04.2013 21:08 N/A rpg2_Sam_Anjum Joined the faction None
20.04.2013 16:17 N/A uuc1mnL Joined the faction None
20.04.2013 10:56 N/A Nic_Adrian Was kicked out (with FP) None
19.04.2013 11:14 N/A rpg2_Yumber Joined the faction None
19.04.2013 09:32 N/A andrei.m Left the faction None
18.04.2013 20:01 N/A The_Jester Joined the faction None